Registration & Badge Pick-up

Register via Sponsor Code | Purchase a Ticket | Log-in to Platform  | Add Org Admin


Registration Deadline: February 18th, 2025
Ticket Transfer Deadline: February 24th, 2025



As a Shoptalk sponsor, you may have purchased “Sponsor Tickets” with your agreement, or a booth package that includes a certain number of Sponsor Tickets.

Sponsor Tickets include access to:

  • our newly introduced Meetup networking platform (subject to registration deadline)
  • all days of Shoptalk
  • the Exhibit Halls
  • meals (breakfast and lunch as stated on the Shoptalk agenda)
  • Shoptalk sessions and networking events (excluding sessions and networking events that are private/invitation only, or specific to certain groups of attendees). 

Sponsor Tickets are intended only for individuals employed by your organization at the time of Shoptalk, including any support personnel such as booth staff, public relations support staff and executive assistants employed by your organization. Everyone who is planning to attend Shoptalk and will be onsite during the event dates must be registered on a ticket and wear a Shoptalk event badge at all times.

Not all sponsorship agreements include Sponsor Tickets. Please refer to your sponsorship contract for the number of allotted tickets.

The below instructions apply to any Sponsor Tickets purchased via contract agreement with your Shoptalk sales representative.


How To Register

  • After you have completed and signed the contract associated with the ticket(s), you will be provided with a “sponsor code.”
    • Your sponsor code will have the format: STS25XXXXSP
    • All tickets purchased through your sales representative can be registered using the same sponsor code - if you are unable to locate your sponsor code, contact your logistics lead.
  • Register your Sponsor Tickets here by inputting your sponsor code.
    • Fill out the registration form, completing all fields until you see a confirmation.
    • To register multiple tickets on your code, once you have completed a registration simply refresh the page and re-enter the code to start a new form.
    • The first registration under your organization will be pending approval. If you submit multiple registration forms before the first one is approved, they will each be pending until our team can review them.
    • There is no way to mass register tickets. Each ticket will need to be registered separately using the same link and code. 
    • You will not be able to use the same email address more than once.
  • Once all tickets allotted to your code have been registered, the code will become INVALID.
    • Additional tickets may be purchased and immediately registered at the prevailing Sponsor and Exhibitor rate here.
    • If paying for additional tickets via invoice through your Shoptalk sales representative, please allow up to 2 business days for your code to be updated with the new ticket allotment.


After Registering

Logging in to the registration platform (MyExperience)

Once the ticket is registered, the registrant will receive a registration confirmation email inviting them to sign into our attendee platform.

  • Username: registered email address
  • Password: ticket confirmation number

Attendees can edit their information, transfer their ticket, nominate organization admins, resend their ticket confirmation email, access personalized social media graphics, and send meeting requests to other attendees in our Meetup program all from this platform!

Ticket Transfers

Registered attendees may transfer their ticket in the portal at any time prior to the registration deadline. Simply click “Transfer Ticket” and enter in the new attendee’s name, email address, and pronouns when prompted!

Your colleague will receive an email inviting them to accept the transfer, which opens a form they must fill out to complete the transfer request. Our team approves all ticket transfers. Once your colleague has accepted the transfer and we have approved it, you will lose access to the platform and they will receive a registration confirmation email.

  • Transferring a ticket after the Meetup program scheduling process has started will not transfer program eligibility and may result in the loss of any steps already completed. 
  • Please reach out to for assistance in transferring a ticket after the deadline.

Organization Admins

Organization Admins can be nominated by any registered attendee to gain access to the platform and manage Meetup participation. 

  • If an Org Admin will be attending Shoptalk, they should be registered on a ticket first, then nominate themselves via the “Organization Admins” screen in the platform.
  • If an Org Admin will not be attending Shoptalk, they can apply to be a non ticket-holding Org Admin here.

Badge Pick-up

All registered Shoptalk attendees must pick up their badge prior to entering our event spaces. Specific instructions will be sent to registered attendees closer to the dates of the event. As a good rule of thumb, we recommend keeping your registration confirmation email and photo ID on hand as you arrive.

Treat your badge like cash:

  • You must have your physical badge on your person to use it.
  • Once it’s lost, it’s gone - we don’t reprint badges!


Monday 3/24 2:00-6:00pm
Tuesday 3/25 7:00am-6:00pm
Wednesday 3/26 7:30am-5:30pm
Thursday 3/27 8:00am-3:00pm

*Subject to change

You can also find all registration hours on our agenda.

Badge Pickup is located at Islanders Ballroom, Lower Level, North Convention Center

Terms of Attendance & Participation

Exhibitor Terms & Conditions