Lin Dai

CEO & Co-Founder


Lin Dai is the CEO and Co-founder of Superlogic, a revolutionary technology company backed by American Express, providing next-gen experiential rewards to some of the world’s biggest loyalty programs and brands. Lin also serves on the board of, a next-gen travel and retail platform, and Spree.Finance, a network enabling crypto payments and on-chain rewards for 2M+ top brands and merchants. An entrepreneur and digital executive with two decades of experience, Lin founded his first company, a social network for teens, out of his dorm room in 1999 and later took it public.

He lead digital initiatives at major media companies such as Alloy (Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries) and Emmis Communications (Hot97, Power106), before joining the video social network Keek as Global CMO and created some of social media industry’s first “influencer” partnerships with the Kardashians, Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber and more before taking the company public.

In his free time, Lin enjoys nerding out on how to travel in style using airline, hotel and credit card points, and shares his knowledge on social media as @ThePointsDai

Speaking on:

Technologies Improving Loyalty and the Post-Purchase Experience

Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 2:25pm — 3:05pm PT

Location: The Value Stage, Level 2